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The Fool

The Fool

Card Meaning

New beginnings, innocence, spontaneity


The Fool represents the thrill of new beginnings, embodying a spirit of adventure and limitless potential. With his carefree attitude, he encourages you to embrace the unknown and take a leap of faith into uncharted territory. This card symbolizes the excitement of starting fresh, full of optimism and wonder, often suggesting that you may have beginner's luck on your side. The Fool invites you to let go of fears and preconceptions, embracing spontaneity and trusting that the universe will provide what you need. It’s a reminder that innocence and naivety can lead to profound experiences. However, in its reversed position, The Fool can warn against recklessness, suggesting that you may be taking undue risks without considering the consequences.

Upright Meanings

  • Beginnings
  • Innocence
  • Spontaneity
  • Free spirit

Reversed Meanings

  • Recklessness
  • Taken advantage of
  • Inconsideration

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