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Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Card Meaning

Expansion, foresight, opportunities


The Three of Wands indicates expansion, foresight, and opportunities. It symbolizes growth and the anticipation of success, encouraging you to look beyond your current situation and consider the bigger picture. This card often represents the rewards of your hard work and the potential for new ventures. It invites you to broaden your horizons and embrace new possibilities, whether in personal or professional aspects of life. The Three of Wands reminds you to remain patient and trust the process, as your efforts will soon bear fruit. When reversed, it may signal delays or a lack of foresight, suggesting the need to reassess your plans and expectations.

Upright Meanings

  • Expansion
  • Foresight
  • Opportunities

Reversed Meanings

  • Delay
  • Lack of foresight
  • Unrealistic expectations

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